Right now, I'm sitting at my new desk in my dorm room at Asbury University. Life has been a whirlwind ever since I got back from Peru...catching up with friends, shopping for school supplies, and making sure I had everything I needed for college took up a lot of my time. It almost seems unreal to me that I'm back in the States, and its sadly funny how quickly I seem to be able to fall back into my old routine.
I really don't realize how lucky I am. It seemed like with every person I sat down and talked to for awhile in Peru this summer we ended up talking about college. Each of these people have some great plan with what they would like to do in their life...the majority were directly ministry related..great things for God, but they would have to go to college first. And there is where the problem lies. Even with working and going to college, they couldn't afford it. And here's the part that hit me...it costs $1,500 a year. Shall I even begin on how much my school costs a year?
It makes me really think about what opportunities I have, and makes me want make the most of them.
Well back to Peru..
For the last several days before I left, I stayed with my friend Carmen who is also a translator. (Her dad works for Scripture Union and is very involved with the deaf ministry.) The morning before I left I woke up to find the cutest little boy sitting at the dining room table. I greeted him, said good morning, but he didn't respond.
A little later Carmen's dad explained to me that he is deaf. The little boy and I played together a lot that morning and I even learned a couple signs so we could communicate. This little boy was so happy, and when we would play games together, he would let out this high-pitched laugh that was so contagious.
Evidently he was new at learning sign language. Just months before, he had been extremely bad-behaved and had even kicked his mother. But after being taught a language, and learning how to communicate, this boy seemed like an entirely new person!
In recent years, rights for the deaf have come along way in Peru. In 1989, deaf people were legally allowed to get married for the first time. And just this year, sign language was recognized as a language...which means that for the first time, translation for deaf children in classrooms is recognized as a real job and translators can be paid for their work!
This is one ministry of Scripture Union that Ive gotten to learn a lot about this summer as I have taken quite a few groups to the deaf center in Lima.
And just like with everything, you can hear all the facts and stories in the world, but when you actually meet a deaf child, that is when it stops being a story, and becomes real.
So on my last day in Peru, I decided that I wanted to go home and learn sign language. 80% of Peruvian Sign Language is based of American signs, so I hope if I start learning here, I'll be able to communicate a bit next year! :)
So, after trying to find a Spanish Church near Wilmore, KY, finding a place that teaches sign language is at the top of my list of things to look for in my new home!
Thank you for all of you who have followed me along my journey this summer, supported me financially, and prayed for me. I couldn't have done it without you. I'll be making a video as well as a thank you letter to send out as soon as my limited amount of free time allows as classes start on Monday, and two volleyball practices a day occupy a good deal of time between now and then..prayer for that is appreciated as well! Thank you!
In Christ,